Dr. Aluko Jervis Podiatry, Surgery, and Wound Care

Foot Fractures

Foot Fractures

Foot Fractures services offered in Staten Island, NY

Foot fractures are some of the most common injuries in athletes and other active people. At his practice in the Randall Manor neighborhood of Staten Island, New York, Aluko O. Jervis, DPM, specializes in diagnosing and treating foot fractures of all types. After an exam and X-rays, Dr. Jervis can make personalized treatment recommendations. Call the New York City area office to request a foot fracture consultation today, or make an appointment online. 

Foot Fractures Q & A

What are foot fractures?

A fracture is a broken bone. 

Both of your feet have dozens of bones and joints that support the weight of your body. These hard tissues are tough, but they aren’t invincible. 

Foot fractures occur for various reasons. Some are the result of trauma, like car accidents or sports injuries. Others develop gradually because of general wear-and-tear (stress fractures).

What are the symptoms of foot fractures?

Symptoms of foot fractures include:

  • Intense or throbbing pain
  • Pain that worsens during activity
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness
  • Difficulty walking

A fracture may cause a visible abnormality, like bruising or a large bump, depending on its severity.

Should I see a specialist about foot fractures?

Make an appointment with Dr. Jervis if you injure your foot or ankle and suspect a broken bone. That’s particularly true if you have bruising and swelling that doesn’t improve with at-home treatments, like ice, rest, and taking anti-inflammatory medication.

How are foot fractures diagnosed?

Dr. Jervis reviews your health charts and asks about your injury, including what you were doing when it occurred, what it feels like, and if the pain extends into your ankle or lower leg. 

Next, he completes a podiatry exam. Dr. Jervis looks at your foot, ankle, and toes for redness, bruising, and swelling. He gently presses on your skin to identify sensitive areas and moves your foot in different positions, checking its range of motion. 

If your symptoms indicate a broken bone, Dr. Jervis orders X-rays or CT scans. These imaging procedures capture photos of your bones and joints. They help Dr. Jervis determine the severity of your injury and the best type of treatment.

How are foot fractures treated?

Treatment of foot fractures depends on their location and severity. Dr. Jervis might recommend:

  • Pain medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Immobilization with a cast or a splint
  • Reduction (moving your broken bones back into the proper position)

If you have a severe fracture, Dr. Jervis may recommend fracture repair. During surgery, Dr. Jervis uses pins, plates, or screws to hold your bones in the proper position. Following the procedure, your bones fuse together.

Call Aluko O. Jervis, DPM, to explore the treatment options for foot fractures today or make an appointment online.